Public Hearing - Appeal of Planning Commission Decision April 5, 2017


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Notice is hereby given that in accordance with Section 13.060 Appeals of the Gearhart Zoning Ordinance (GZO) the Gearhart City Council will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, April 5, 2017 at 6:00 p.m., Gearhart City Hall, 698 Pacific Way, Gearhart, Oregon on the following matter:


An Appeal submitted by Terry Lowenberg appealing the decision of the Planning Commission denying a revision to their approval of Conditional Use File #16-001CU in order to allow lottery machines in the approved neighborhood café at 599 Pacific Way, further described as Assessors Plat 6 10 9AA, Tax Lot 6200. 


Said hearing will be a Review on the Record in accordance with GZO Section 13.060(5) Appeals. The application must comply with GZO Section 1.030 (122) Neighborhood Café definition; Section 3.4 C-1 Zone Standards; Article 8 Section 8.040 – 8.110 Conditional Uses including Specific Use Standards (5) Neighborhood Café Approval Criteria and Article 13 Administrative Provisions.


A copy of the application, documents and evidence relied upon by the applicant, the applicable criteria pertinent to the request, and the record of the Planning Commission’s decision are available for review at Gearhart City Hall at the office of Chad Sweet, 503-738-5501and at the City of Gearhart website @   Copies may be obtained at a reasonable cost.  The public hearing will be conducted in accordance with GZO Section 13.060(5) Appeals.  Only persons having ‘standing’ on January 12, 2017 may restate their oral testimony consistent with previous argument but not introduce new evidence.  Persons having standing on January 12, 2017 may appeal to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals LUBA by filing a notice of intent to appeal within 21 days of the date the final order is signed.  In raising an issue, the relevant criteria to which the issue is directed must be specified.  Failure to do so will preclude appeal on the criterion.


Chad Sweet

City Administrator

City of Gearhart