Planning Commission Public Hearing Young Life February 9, 2017

January 20, 2017



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Notice is hereby given that in accordance with Section 13.030 Administrative Provision of the City of Gearhart Zoning Ordinance the Gearhart Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, February 9, 2017 at 6:00 p.m., Gearhart City Hall, 698 Pacific Way, Gearhart, Oregon.


Said hearing is to consider a Variance application City file #17-004V submitted by Jeffrey Johnson on behalf of Young Life Breakaway Lodge located at 220 Nita Avenue and further described as Assessors Plan 6.10.9AA, Tax Lot 8000.  The request seeks relief from Section 3.140 (4) Side yard setback of 5-feet in the R-1 zone to allow for construction of a concrete sidewalk and raised railed platform within the setback.  Approval Criteria relevant to the application are in Section 9.030 Criteria for Granting Variances and Section 3.1 Low Density Residential Zone R-1.


A copy of the application, all documents and evidence relied upon by the applicant and applicable criteria pertinent to the request are available for review at Gearhart City Hall at the office of Chad Sweet, 503-738-5501 and copies may be obtained at a reasonable cost. Staff reports will be available for inspection at no cost and may be obtained at reasonable cost seven (7) days prior to the hearing.  All interested parties are invited to express their opinion for or against the request at the hearing, by letter addressed to the Gearhart Planning Commission, P O Box 2510, Gearhart, Oregon 97138, or by email at received prior to 4:00 o’clock pm the day of the hearing.  The public hearing will be conducted in accordance with Section 13.050 of the Gearhart Zoning Ordinance. 


            Any person testifying may appeal the decision, however, failure to raise an issue, including constitutional or other issues regarding conditions of approval, with sufficient specificity to afford the City and parties to the request an opportunity to respond to the issues precludes appeal on said issue to the State Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA), or to seek damages in circuit court due to a condition of approval.


            Cheryl A. Lund

            Gearhart Planning Commission

City of Gearhart