Ridge Path Planting Day!

Calendar Date:
Thursday, November 3, 2022 - 9:00am to 1:00pm

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Join the Necanicum Watershed Council and City of Gearhart on Thursday, November 3rd, from 9:00am-1:00pm (roughly) as they place the first of many pollinator patches along the Gearhart Ridge Path. 

You'll have the pleasure of helping the NWC put broadleaf lupine, camas, goldenrod and douglas aster into areas where the NWC - thanks to their trusty volunteers - have already removed invasive ivy, blackberry and other plants. 

Please RSVP to NWC Executive Director, Noah Dolinajec, executivedirector@necanicumwatershed.org.

p.s. The NWC will have warm coffee and some snacks for everyone. We will also have gloves and some tools, but we encourage volunteers to bring along any tools they might need as well. 

We look forward to the planting season! 


Big thanks to our funders: 

  • The Oregon Wildlife Foundation
  • Oregon Conservation and Recreation Fund
  • Sou'Wester Garden Club
  • City of Gearhart
  • Morisse Logging
  • Greenwood Resources